Best Ways to Work With Me


Are you losing faith? In family and friends, government leaders and political parties, industry and institutions? Do you feel like the driver of your life or like you’ve been taken for a ride?

Connect the Dots

Given that we are a traumatizing species living in an cultural environment of collective trauma, it’s hardly surprising that many people are feeling disconnected—from society, jobs, changing communities, from ourselves.

This disconnect has to stop. You can find the solutions you need using an equation that you can learn to put into practice to bring fresh options into focus: Awareness + Reflection = Choice. The ARC to Wellness is a coaching philosophy that will help you achieve emotional healing through enlightened self health. Learn to ask the right questions to connect the dots of your own life experience and find your path to wellness. Subscribe to work individually with me four times each month and discover your place in the Self Health movement!

Do you often feel challenged or overwhelmed by your roles and responsibilities in life?

Find your Path

This is a one-on-one intensive for adults who have been searching for answers and now find themselves struggling to maintain hope. A great fit for anyone who struggles with:

  • chronic physical illness

  • relationship problems

  • mental health concerns

Meeting with me for 5 hours over 10 days, you will learn how to prioritize self-care while uncovering neglected parts of yourself that need your attention so you can begin changing the direction of your life. The intensive is a great fit for adults who are struggling with any of the following: